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About FSG

The FSG Conference is the largest annual event of FSG, the Financial Study Association of Groningen. It serves as a platform where top companies and motivated students come together to exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities.

Through workshops, business lunches, and business dinners, companies have the chance to present themselves and connect with high-potential students. Additionally, there will be ample opportunities to network with speakers and recruiters, as well as to participate in engaging activities during the breaks.

This inspiring and professional event is one you won’t want to miss.



  • Interesting Speakers

    Listen to inspiring speeches from interesting speakers about current topics. This year, speakers share their thoughts on the topics of power in Social Media, Banks, Policies and Accountants.
  • Interactive Workshops and Trainings

    Participatie in challenging workshops provided by excellent companies. Which will give you an insight on how working in one of these excellent companies looks like. Interact in job application, and personality trainings.
  • Excellent Companies

    Expand your professional network by participating in workshops, business lunches and business dinners. You can get the chance to get in touch with interesting people with experience from the workplace and meet many recruiters from large companies.